Vacations coming!!!!
We can hardly wait. We really do need to "get away" into far, green pastures. Our first stop is the closest place to heaven I've been so far. It's green and gorgeous and...
the home of country music.
So, where do you think our first stop is???
So, where do you think our first stop is???
We're going to visit a cousin (who will be identified as -E) and her husband (-L). Now -E and I (-S) had some planning to do. We corresponded with a few e-mails that I will share with you. There is a question for you at the end so please pay attention!
1. laugh a lot (a necessity)
2. tease -L
3. Dollywood
4 tease -L
5. A morning out with you looking at homes with LAND and TREES (preferably hills too - but I know that's a lot to ask). Have I ever told you that I love LAND and TREES. I think I was a tree in a previous life. Anyway, the LAND must be at least 5 acres. If it is not at least 5 acres it is not LAND it is just a lot.
6. tease -L.
7. One morning I would like to take my son on a hike in the Smokies.
Now, you need to know two things.
First, my fantasy (no longer a dream since it seems never likely to happen) is to live in the country with lots of LAND and HILLS and SPACE - preferably in TN. I have come to grips with the fact that I will probably live out my days in the city but once in awhile it is quite fun to let my fantasy take flight and pretend a little.Secondly, you need to know that -E is a real estate agent. And -E is asking me what my dream house/property would look like because we are GOING HOUSE/LAND SNOOPING while I am there . Whahoo! Ya see, to me, that is a lot of fun.
After the previous e-mail, -E kindly sent the following:
Dear -S, That helps, thanks. Now...are there any other requirements re. the houses you would like to see on 5 acres? Mansions, or log homes? Something in-between? :o) Luv, -E
I promptly replied:
Well, thanks so much for asking. Actually it can be between 5-40 acres.
It would be nice if you could go out of the house and have nobody see you. Privacy is precious you know. A view would be splendid. It's mostly about the LAND. Houses can be destroyed, built or added on to. As far as the house goes, I guess I just would like to see something in the $150,000 - 300,000 price range (price would include the LAND of course). Mansion/ log home, variety is the spice of life. Barns are cool too. Luv, -S
And then I remembered I had forgotten one of the most impotant things had had to immediately send another e-mail.
Dear -E, Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I almost forgot. In addition to my previous e-mail sent 5 min. ago ------- the law or zoning codes of the homes we look at absolutely MUST allow for chicken and a cow and a big garden. Mercy me, I can't believe I forgot that part. Did I tell you I got 5 beee-u-ti-ful eggs today and a half dozen eggs the last 3 days? I just love chickens.
Over and out. -S
What a lucky dog I am to get to do this. But what about you? If YOU had a cousin who was a real estate agent and you could go house/land snooping anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would your LAND look like? What kind of house would YOU want to see?
I hope to hear from you.
Wish I could take you on my adventure.
Luv, -S
Wish I could take you on my adventure.
Luv, -S
Who knew such talent resides across the street! You make me want to dream of another place to live...and to visit your cousin. Tenn. is one place I haven't been...yet.
Your site is fun and your pics are beautiful (thanks Sissy). Once I started reading I couldn't stop.
By the way, any recommendations on an irresistible book to read?
Pepi's mom
Dearest S,
What a beautiful location! My DH does NOT wish to leave the West. I wouldn't care where it was as long as there were space and mountains, and it wasn't too dry.
I hope you have a wonderful time and find your dream house.
Yours, Katbaloo
Hope ya'll have a great trip to TN!!!
I know my family and I LOVED it!!
Antoinette K.
PS. Great blog, I will tell my Mom about it! :)
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